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Masjid damaged in massive fire in Srinagar’s Bohri Kadal

 Masjid damaged in massive fire in Srinagar’s Bohri Kadal 

KNO Correspondent 

Srinagar, June 24 (KNO): A Masjid got damaged after a massive fire broke out in the Bohri Kadal area of central Kashmir's district Srinagar on Monday, officials said.

An official told news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) that soon after the incident fire tenders reached to the spot to douse off flames. “By the time the fire tenders reached, Bazar Masjid had suffered extensive damage,” he said. 

He said that fire fighting operation is still going on to prevent the fire from spreading further. “The cause of fire is being ascertained,” he said—(KNO)

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