KPDL files for FIRs against smart meter tampering

272 cases with Consumer IDs and names referred to Police for investigation

SRINAGAR, MARCH 23 Coming down heavily on the menace of power theft,Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Limited (KPDCL) has directed all SDOs of Electric Subdivisions to lodge FIRs with the Police against the reported cases of smart meter tampering by breaking of the seal and fiddling with the internal circuitry to slow down recording of energy.

Emphasising upon the Government’s policy of zero tolerance on smart meter tampering, a KPDCL spokesperson today stated that Chief Engineer (Distribution) Kashmir has been advised to direct SDOs to register FIRs in 70 cases of meter tampering confirmed by Central Inspection Squad. This includes 21 in Baghat, 16 in Watalkdal, 09 each in Chanapora & Huzuribagh, 03 each in Zakura, Hawal and Zainakote, 02 each in Khunmoh and Nawakadal and 1 each in Karannagar and Raj Bagh Subdivisions.

Following reports received from the Project Implementing Agency (PIA), regarding meter cover-open tamper alerts received digitally, registration of FIRs in 202 other cases of smart meter tampering have been recommended to the concerned Police Stations. This includes 148 cases from Chanapora Subdivision and 54 from Watalkadal Subdivision.

Warning consumers to desist from fiddling with smart meters, the spokesperson said that meter tampering is a crime for which sternest action under law will be taken by way of imposing heavy penalties along with disconnections and registration of FIRs. He further stated that 272 Consumer IDs with names have been shared by SDOs with Police with the request to investigate the matter and identify the criminals.

Under PMDP, 2.62 lakh smart meters have been installed by KPDCL, which has given it the leverage to remotely disconnect the consumer for non-payment of outstanding dues and power theft. “Smart meter also generates an alert if any consumer tries to fiddle with the internal circuitry with the prime objective to slow down energy recording which tantamounts to power theft,” he added.

Reiterating the Governments’ resolve to go digital, KPDCL spokesperson further stated that under the flagship ‘Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme’ (RDSS), 6.85 lakh smart meters, along with 40,000 DT meters, will be installed in uncovered areas of Kashmir valley to ensure energy auditing and digital monitoring.

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