Formative assessment:

JKSCRT to conduct assessment upto 8th standard in first week of March

KNO Correspondent

Srinagar, Jan 08 (KNO): In view of the winter vacations, Jammu and Kashmir State Council of Educational Research and Training (JKSCERT) Monday said that it will conduct formative assessment upto 8th standard in first week of March instead of the previously notified date,

Under the Student Assessment and Evaluation (SA&E) scheme up to Class 8th, JKSCERT had notified the schedule and timeline for conduct of SA&ES up to Class 8th (Elementary level) for the summer and winter zone schools from Academic Session 2023-24

According to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) Director of JKSCERT in a communique said, “For the convenience of students and keeping in view the announcement of winter vacation in winter zone schools by JKUT, the Formative Assessment scheduled to be conducted in the last week of December 2023 in winter zone schools of JKUT shall now be conducted by the respective schools by or before ist week of March 2024.”

Earlier in October-2023, JKSCERT had devised a ‘Common’ format for the recording of the formative assessment under the Student Assessment and Evaluation (SA&E) scheme up to Class 8th.

Formative assessment is a range of formal and informal assessment procedures conducted by teachers during the learning process in order to modify teaching and learning activities to improve student attainment.

JKSCERT had said that the council earlier had notified SA&E scheme up to class 8th for all government and recognised schools in accordance with the provisions in National Education Policy-2020 and Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2019. 

“Despite continuous orientation on the scheme by this Council, there was a continuous demand from the stakeholders to have a common format for the recording of the formative assessment and result sheet thereof,” it reads.

The communique further reads, “JKSCERT accordingly devised formats for; recording of formative assessment, Co-curricular Component and also devised result sheet which for wider dissemination to concerned Schools.”—(KNO)

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