JKSSB Notice regarding Conduct of PST/PET for the post of Sub-Inspector(Home).
Conduct of PST/PET for the past of Sub-Inspector (Home),
The J&K Service Selection Board has scheduled the conduct of Physical Standard Test (PST)/ Physical Endurance Test (PET) for the post of Sub-Inspector (Home Department), tentatively from 2nd December, 2023 at Jammu & Srinagar centres.
Jkssb Notice regarding Conduct of PST/PET for the post of Sub-Inspector(Home).
All such candidates who have opted for Kashmir as Test centre for the post of Sub Inspector, Home Department (as per the application form) and are desirous of appearing in PST/ PET at Jammu centre are hereby called upon through the medium of this notice to represent before the Board through offline mode only at J&K Services Selection Board Office Zam-Zam Complex Rambagh Srinagar, within 03 days from the issuance of this notice le. upto 25-11-2023, in the format enclosed as Annexure A to this Notice.
No further request in this regard shall be entertained beyond 25-11- 2023.